Valley Leisure CentreChurch Road , Newtownabbey , Northern Ireland , UNITED KINGDOM (Postal Code: BT36 7LJ)
Do you know the opening hours? Are they providing any course? What's the price for a single swim?
Don't neglect you can also promote this pool so Valley Leisure Centre will appear the first of Newtownabbey, or even the very first of your country, contact us to know more.
Unfortunately we do not have the email address of this Swimming Pool, but we can provide you with the phone number.
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Your feedback is generally appreciated!
Location :United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, Antrim, Newtownabbey
Address :Church Road , Newtownabbey , Northern Ireland , UNITED KINGDOM (Postal Code: BT36 7LJ)
We strongly recommend calling before visiting the Swimming Pool.
Contact details
This may be the most recent make contact with data we have:
(028) 9086 1211
<not provided>
If you believe that any of the information is incorrect, please contact us. Assist us be better day-by-day.
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