Ards Leisure CentreWilliam Street , Newtownards , Northern Ireland , UNITED KINGDOM (Postal Code: BT23 4EJ)
Do you realize the opening hours? Are they providing any course? What is the price to get a single swim?
Don't forget you can also promote this pool so Ards Leisure Centre will appear the very first of Newtownards, or perhaps the initial of your country, make contact with us to know extra.
This great and large sports centre lets professional swimmers like you enjoy 25 meters, 5 lanes, Indoors. Additionally, within these facilities you can try 21 meters, Indoors. Phone number and e-mail address are number for this Pool.
Ever been in Newtownards?
Are you a regular customer in this Swimming Pool? Unfortunately we don't have GPS coordinates for this Pool, have you?
Your feedback is usually appreciated!
Location :United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, Down, Newtownards
Address :William Street , Newtownards , Northern Ireland , UNITED KINGDOM (Postal Code: BT23 4EJ)
We strongly recommend calling before visiting the Swimming Pool.
Contact details
This is the most recent make contact with information we have:
(028) 9181 2837
If you believe that any on the information is incorrect, please get in touch with us. Help us be better day-by-day.
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